Avevo dei bellissimi peperoni carnosi, coi quali ho preparato una peperonata e altri ripieni con riso!!!
Cottura in due tempi al MW
foto e testo di ivanasetti
Precotti i peperoni nel MW 5 minuti a 700W, lessato il riso, preparato il ragù con odori e melanzana tritata in tegame con olio, vino sale, pepe, basilico
farcire e guarnire con parmigiano a julienne
mettere al MW ben coperti con pellicola, un po' d'olio, due cucchiai del brodo di riso, 12 minuti a 700 W

This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione 3.0 Unported License.
Cottura in due tempi al MW
foto e testo di ivanasetti
Precotti i peperoni nel MW 5 minuti a 700W, lessato il riso, preparato il ragù con odori e melanzana tritata in tegame con olio, vino sale, pepe, basilico
farcire e guarnire con parmigiano a julienne
mettere al MW ben coperti con pellicola, un po' d'olio, due cucchiai del brodo di riso, 12 minuti a 700 W
This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione 3.0 Unported License.
the peppers look great, i love those!
smiles, bee
We had a quiet Sunday!
Today we have a trip, we take Tommy to a Boy Scout Camp, then he was sick, so he can go today...I hope we visit something..but G. doesn't agree!!!!
He want to come back home...he is an "old man"!!!!!
We'll see what is going to be!!!
Big hugs...many positive thoughts for your Monday!!!
buon riposo in quelle belle montagne...fai pure una scorta di ottimi prodotti....
Noi stiamo partendo per il Piacentino, Val Tidone a portare Tommy al campo Scout...visto che non stava bene e ieri non è partito con il gruppo!!!
A presto, buon viaggio e ...divertiti!!!!
Un abbraccio!!!
AmyLynn just came and told me not me not cook dinner. She'll make dinner for us. She's going to make pancakes.
Once again we are having three days of high 90's and humidity. I'm staying in the house all day. I told Bee that I'm going to sit in front of my large TV, sit in my black leather chair drinking a cool glass of ice tea. Sounds great doesn't it Ivana. Ha,ha,ha.
Rest my wonderful friend. Ciao.
You are right, I also
fry the eggplants like Schnitzel, and it tastes like meat!!!
I'm back from a trip...very tired...and so many pictures to elaborate!!!
Have great week...and great Month August!!!
Big hugs!!!
What did Amy Lynn cook for yoy?
I had a trip, very tired now!!!
I have to rest, really!
Have a great month!!!
Here it's hot again!!!
Oggi sono stata fuori...dopo Piacenza , in Val Tidone ...un bel posticino e pensavo appunto a posti così per incontrarci...riposanti e a mezza strada, circa!
I peperoni sono squisiti!!!!
Un abbraccio...sono un po' intontita per il caldo e il viaggio!!!
Hope your boy is feeling better.
Big hugs, honey...
My boy felt better, so we took him to the Boy Scouts camp.
He remains there till next Saturday!
Eggplants are very versatile, I cook various invented recipes, Then I read no recipes during my preparations!!!
Have a great week!
Big hugs!!!
I was very busy today, then I had much to do, laundry, shopping, marketday, ironing and cooking!
I'm writing now at midnight!
Big hugs!!!