Il mio diario quotidiano continua col pranzo di oggi...COME CUCINO!
il Primo: CONCHIGLIE al broccolo, mortadella pomodoro ciliegia
il Secondo: BRACIOLINE senz'osso alla piastra
Contorni: PEPERONI al MW, Insalata di pomodoro, lattuga romana, cetriolo
Mandarini, mela
Lambrusco di Sorbara
Cottura a cupola del broccolo, senza sbianchire:
3 cucchiai olio evo---2 spicchi d'aglio--- 1 cipolla piccola---1 broccolo medio a cimette---gocce limone---60 g mortadella IGP---3 pomodorini---2 cucchiai acqua della pasta--sale e pepe macinato fresco
Sigillare la verdura con coperchio di vetro..occorre meno tempo e la verdura si ammorbisce, senza perdere consistenza
3 peperoni verdi gialli rossi a liste, 2 cucchiai olio, 1 cucchiaio di acqua, pellicola forata, cottura a 700 W per 6 minuti, a 500 W per 5 minuti. Rimane in forma, perde l'amaro, è gradevole.
4 BRACIOLE di suino, marinate per un'ora in un cucchiaio olio e un cucchiaio succo di limone.
Scaldare moderatamente la piastra, cuocere tre minuti per parte.
Condire con pizzichi di salamoia bolognese
Il G. oggi ha solo guardato...e mangiato!!!!
This opera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione 3.0 Unported License.
Thanks, I'm just coming back from Teresa', she has slept, but now she gets much itch because of the pustules, but she always is hungry...though!!!
Grandmother Silvana is there, until 14:00, when my daughter-in-law comes from the school!
Have a great Friday...
I thank you!
Your photos are wonderful, the model is special!!!
Have a great week end!
Buon lavoro!!!
I'd prepare for you too!!!
Have a great week end by enjoying Christmas time with your children!
your dinner looks wonderful, we love pork chops! i have never marinated them in oil and lemon before, i'll try it. i usually put crumbs on them and bake them.
have a great day my dear friend (and sister!).
smiles, bee
The baby has got chicken pox...and she has much itch, poor little!
The family had chicken pox last years, my son was very sick, the desease was very strong and painful as he was an adult!!!
Have a great Canasta Day!!!
Chicken pox, not have here scatch them. Will she be OK for Christmas? Well I have to go. My daughter is telling me to get my Christmas cards finished and get them out. Ciao.
Oggi sono stata sempre lontana dal PC, molto impegnata, prima a casa dalla mia nipotina malata, poi in cucina a fare tortellini per le feste e una crostata salata alla zucca, da regalare!
Buona notte!!!
I hope that Teresa is well for Christmas...she has to play and to sing!!!
I'm so busy too, and no cards yet...we send few cards, we call, when possible!
Have a great week end!!!